A Guide To The Laser Cutting Process
Laser cutting is one of the many processes involved in metal fabrication. It uses a high-powered and focused laser beam to cut the workpiece as per the desired shape and size. Laser cutting is suitable for several materials like metal, glass, plastic, wood, etc. They are widely popular due to their precision and high-quality finishes. In this blog, Metal Tronics, a reputed name for laser cutting in Toronto, brings you the basics of laser cutting.
Everything you need to know about the laser cutting process
The machine and process:
Laser cutting is a no-contact, thermal-based process. Factors like the machine's configurations and settings, the workpiece and its properties, the technician and their skills, the type of gas and laser used, etc., should be considered for optimum results.
Machine components and mechanics:
A laser cutting machine is different from waterjets or any other cutting tool. A laser cutting machine typically includes a laser resonator assembly, a mirror, a laser cutting head, a laser focusing lens, a pressurized gas assembly and a nozzle. It includes the following stages - beam generation, beam focusing, localized heating and melting, material ejection, and beam movement.
Assist Gases:
Laser cutting utilizes a variety of assist gases to aid the cutting process. The type of gas used depends on the material and the process being used. The gas used is either inert or active. The use of gas usually speeds up the process by adding extra heat.
Types of machines:
Categorized into gas, liquid and solid-state lasers, there are several types of laser cutting machines. The types are determined by the state of the active laser medium. The two major types of machines are CO2 and solid-state lasers.
You can speak to us at Metal-Tronics for all sorts of laser cutting services in Toronto. We assure quality service and a prolonged customer relationship.